The Chaps are a large and happy family of soft toys. They come in all shapes, sizes, and colours, and their daily life is full of adventure. Here are some moments from their world!
- Hello, chaps! Sapphire the dolphin visits her friends.
- Hold still, dad! Mushroom must check his measurements before ordering clothes online.
- Tea time, chaps! These friends are relaxing after an early start to their day.
- Let’s solve a problem, chaps! Purple the hippo needs a new toothbrush.
- Where to, chaps? The Chaps are planning a holiday.
- Let’s enjoy our holiday, chaps! Today, the Chaps are viewing a famous landmark.
- We’ll get there, chaps! Darwin the turtle is pedalling hard to stay fit.
- The Chaps form a band. They can’t wait to try their new piano.
- Ride-sharing. Darwin is faster than he looks.
- Let’s go shopping, chaps! Plum the mushroom is writing a shopping list.
- Happy New Year from the Chaps!
- Vroom Vroom, chaps! Purple the hippo is demonstrating his new invention.